Year after year, in every household, school, and work office, people make promises to themselves to exercise more, lose weight, and eat better. If you don’t think you are one of these people, what was your New Year’s resolution? We might not be living healthy lifestyles, but we all seem to be in agreement that we need to be.
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, “more than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.”
If you go online you’ll have no trouble finding statistic after statistic that shows that Americans are lazy. However, I don’t think that this is the case.
The average American works over 40 hours a week. For this reason, most people have to either workout after a long day or wake up extremely early to be able to squeeze a WORKout in at all. When this happens, the desire for any physical activity goes down. In order to maintain our health, we must figure out a way to make the desire for physical activity go back up.
Luckily, the next promise people make to themselves, behind exercising more and eating better, is to learn a new skill or hobby.
So, the truth is that we have had the answer all along.
We have to find a way to take the WORK out of workout. We can do this by picking up hobbies that keep us active.
A hobby is defined as an activity done REGULARLY in one’s leisure time for (get this) PLEASURE.
So, if I am going to spend hours upon hours working, the non mandatory work is going to have to be something pleasurable and fun. And, if I am going to try and do it consistently, then it is going to have to become a hobby of mine.
Very few people can make a hobby out of running on a treadmill or climbing stairs. (Like our friend in the picture below)
But wait… HopperFit to the rescue! This is where taking specialty classes with HopperFit can come in handy.
HopperFit a fast-growing fitness and health community platform in South Florida. Newest in its kind, HopperFit provides people a platform where they can find and experience a variety of fun, active, and healthy lifestyle choices that uplift themselves and their families.
HopperFit focuses on families and community health by providing an attractive mix of quality fitness classes, personal training, nutrition, and wellness services.
There is Kids Kickboxing to start them off young, Hip Hop Dance for our rhythmic folks, Pole Dancing for our adult crowd, and Aerial Yoga for moms.
Aerial Yoga Kids Kickboxing
Hip Hop Dance Pole Dance
Everyone has a specialty class designed just for them. Whether you are an avid fitness enthusiast, a mother with active kids, a pregnant woman, preparing for your wedding, a busy professional with a stressful lifestyle, or a retiree looking for specific but enjoyable fitness options, HopperFit provides a package that fits your lifestyle.
Specialty classes can be so enjoyable between the music and social connections that people often forget that they are exercising. This is the whole point.
Additionally, exercising consistently with a group has a number of benefits. Your peers and instructors can be there to motivate you when you want to give up, make sure that you are executing exercises correctly, and can hold you accountable for showing up consistently.
When you are 65 years old, all worked out, and tired, you’ll thank goodness that HopperFit has already given you a hobby that keeps you active (instead of trying to figure out the incline on the treadmill).